About H2O Water Solutions


Combining over 30 years experience in the water treatment industry we can offer a complete solution to ACOP L8 compliance, risk assessment, monitoring, water treatment and legionella control.

Legionella is a risk for almost all water systems found within buildings and must be effectively controlled in accordance with ACOP L8 under the Health and Safety at Work Act.

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H2O Water Solutions offer a wide range of water treatment and water hygiene services designed to improve both the safety and cost effectiveness of our customer's water systems, providing the highest standards in water management.

As specialist environmental compliance consultants, H2O Water Solutions can provide peace of mind and reduce risk. We specialise in the cleaning of water storage systems along with providing bespoke legionella control packages.

We offer independent advice that you can trust. Our expert assessments give you helpful solutions with no commercial bias.

One of our compliance consultants can review your property and current water system procedures to identify and document the extent to which they meet the requirements of HSC ACOP L8. As part of this review we will detail what is required to meet the requirements of L8 and current best practice and provide budget costs for these services.

Our compliance consultants are well versed and experienced in the demands upon clients, and any advice given is always based on practical and commercial solutions. We will and always act in the interests of our clients.